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Can Social Media Marketing Really Help my Business

Can Social Media Marketing Really Help my Business: Learn the Truth

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Social media marketing can benefit your business, especially if your goal is to increase brand awareness. But if your goal is to make sales, I’d suggest you invest in social media ads.

Using ads, you have the opportunity to attract potential prospects with low-ticket offers.

A low-ticket offer is a product that is available at a lower price for the customer or can be given away for free.

In marketing, digital resources are presented as a low-cost offering. There are various resources available, such as e-books, webinars, templates, and more. I’m sure you’ve seen one of these in your social media feed.

So, if you have something valuable to offer in your industry for free or at a low price, it can be used as an enticing offer for your potential prospects.

Probably you: “Then what about my product or service?”

Low-ticket offers can effectively draw attention to your main products or services by showcasing the excellence and value they provide. Prospects will remember your brand and low-ticket offer because of how valuable it is.

Eventually, you can step in and present a high-ticket offer, which is your main product. The likelihood of them making a purchase goes up quite a bit.

You don’t have to just take my word for it. Zach from Heart from Soul & Hustle was able to effectively run campaigns with low-ticket offers. He managed to generate sales of more than $800 by offering low-ticket offers priced at $37. This allowed him to target those buyers and offer them his higher-priced products.

Kick off your social media advertising by offering something valuable at a lower price. Then, follow up with higher-priced offers to retarget your prospects.

What about Social Media Marketing for Brand awareness?

There’s no harm in promoting your brand on marketing platforms and reaching a wider audience. However, it’s crucial to share content that captivates your target audience’s attention.

It requires dedicating a substantial amount of time to create such engaging content on different social media platforms.

Let me guide you through the right approach to social media marketing, so you can effectively leverage it for your business.

How to use social media for business (Build a solid social media marketing strategy)

Are your posts on LinkedIn and tweets on Twitter not getting any impressions?

You’re not alone.

Many business owners I’ve met have complained about the lack of impressions they receive when they first start. Some speculate that users aren’t as active as they used to be, but they’re mistaken.

According to data from the Pew Research Center, 69 percent of American adults still use social networks, suggesting that social media has the potential to reach a large number of potential customers.

So, there are users out there, you just have to learn to market to them the right way. Here are some of the things you can do :

1. Community Engagement

Community Engagement

The reason your posts aren’t reaching many people is that you’re focusing too much on posting and not enough on engaging with the community.

To effectively use social media for your business, you need to engage with your prospects using your personal account, especially when starting a new profile on platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn.

Related : Twitter for Marketing: Create a Twitter marketing strategy for 2023

I’m not suggesting that you spam your business website links in their comment section. Instead, provide value to them.

If it’s difficult to find prospects in your niche, try following the industry leaders in your field and commenting on their posts. Your target audience will notice your comments if they contain valuable advice related to your industry.

In summary, sharing posts is important, but it’s equally important to provide value to your target market, either directly or indirectly through industry leaders.

2. Use personalized short-form video content

With the rise of ChatGPT and AI technology, content creation has become less personal.

However, there is an opportunity to leverage this trend and differentiate yourself in the market.

One effective way to do this is by creating short-form videos on social media platforms. By engaging with your audience and offering valuable content, you can make a lasting impression.

If you’re uncomfortable in front of the camera, tools like Canva or Invideo provide templates to quickly create informative infographics and explanatory videos.Just follow these three simple steps:

Step 1: Choose a specific topic in your industry that you’re passionate about. This will ensure that your video resonates with your target audience and keeps them engaged.

Step 2: Utilize two proven formulas to create compelling short videos. The first formula is PAS (Problem-Agitate-Solution), where you highlight a common problem, agitate the viewer’s pain points, and then present your solution. The second formula is AIDA (Attention-Interest-Desire-Action), which grabs attention, generates interest, creates desire, and prompts the viewer to take action.

Step 3: Once your video is ready, share it on popular platforms like YouTube Shorts and Instagram Reels. These platforms are perfect for gaining maximum exposure and reaching your target audience.

3. Position yourself as an industry leader

Authority figure in SEO

People naturally gravitate towards individuals who possess deep knowledge and insights in their respective fields.

By positioning yourself as an industry leader, you can gain a dedicated following that looks up to you for guidance and expertise.

One effective way to showcase your thought leadership is by sharing case studies and opinions about the latest news in your industry.

By providing valuable insights and analysis, you demonstrate your understanding of the latest trends and developments. This not only helps you stay relevant but also positions you as an authority figure that others can trust.

In fact, I’ve seen many thought leaders on Facebook groups who have successfully gained leads simply by being seen as authoritative figures. Their knowledge and insights attract potential clients without them even having to reach out actively.

By consistently sharing valuable content and engaging with your audience, you can solidify your position as an industry leader.

Remember, becoming a thought leader takes time and effort, but the rewards are well worth it. Position yourself as an authority, and watch as passive leads come pouring in without even having to actively pursue them.

What social media is best for marketing (LinkedIn or Tiktok?)

The best social media for marketing depends on the industry you’re in. If you’re a B2B marketer, platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn would be ideal for your social media marketing strategy. However, if you were a dog groomer (I wish I was one), then platforms like TikTok and Instagram would be more suitable.

It’s also important to consider the type of content you’re comfortable creating. Personally, I’m comfortable writing content, but a little shy when it comes to being on camera.

If you’re skilled in video creation, focusing on platforms like Youtube and Instagram, particularly utilizing features like reels, would be a great approach. You can even repurpose your video content into text or audio formats.

In summary, choose the social media platform that aligns with your business and the type of content you’re comfortable creating.

Why do some businesses don’t use social media marketing?

Some businesses choose not to go with social media platforms because they prefer targeting seekers rather than engagers.Let me break it down.Seekers are users who actively search for products and information on platforms like Google, YouTube, Q&A sites, and even Pinterest.They are further along in the buyer journey and have moved past the awareness stage. That’s why some business owners prefer to create content that aligns with their search intent. Having some knowledge of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) can be helpful in this regard.

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On the other hand, there are engagers who may not be familiar with your brand and aren’t actively seeking information on social media platforms.

They are more interested in engaging with other users and consuming whatever content is presented to them.

They don’t have a specific search goal.As a result, some businesses are not enthusiastic about using social media sites and instead allocate most of their marketing budget towards platforms that cater to seekers.

How would I know whether to prioritize SEO or social media marketing?

This is a tricky situation to be in as a business owner.

The key solution here is to prioritize one platform over the other. For example, if you own a plumbing company, it would be more beneficial to focus on targeting seekers through SEO strategies rather than engaging through social media marketing.

To determine which platform to prioritize for your business, conducting an audit of your competitor’s website and social media platforms is the best approach.For SEO analysis, you can utilize tools like Google’s Keyword Planner and the Surfer SEO extension to estimate the search volume (the number of searches made by your target audience on Google).

When it comes to social media, even without using any tools, you can analyze your competitor’s posts and observe the engagement they receive. This will give you a general idea.

What is the success rate of social media marketing

Not sure if social media marketing is right for you? Well, here are some mind-boggling stats to consider :

  • A whopping 82% of B2B marketers have reported their greatest success on LinkedIn.
  • Social commerce is a rapidly growing force, projected to reach $2.9 trillion in sales by 2026 (according to Statista).
  • Currently, over 59% of the world’s population is active on social media. In fact, in just the past year, there have been 227 million new users joining various platforms (as reported by Datareportal).
  • These numbers are definitely worth pondering over when deciding whether to dive into social media marketing.

Successful Social media stories (The benefits of social media marketing)

Social media marketing has become an essential tool for businesses to connect with their target audience and build brand awareness.

While some may argue that a business can survive without social media marketing, there are numerous success stories that prove otherwise.

One such success story is the case of Blendtec, a blender manufacturer, and its “Will It Blend?” campaign. By leveraging social media platforms such as YouTube, Blendtec showcased its blender’s power by blending various items like iPhones and golf balls.

This unique and entertaining approach captured the attention of millions, resulting in a significant increase in sales and brand recognition.

Another notable success story is that of Airbnb. Through its strategic use of social media marketing, Airbnb was able to establish a strong online presence and reach a wider audience.

By encouraging their users to share their travel experiences on social media platforms, Airbnb created a sense of community and trust, ultimately leading to exponential growth in bookings and revenue.

Furthermore, social media marketing has played a crucial role in the success of small businesses. Platforms like Instagram have provided an opportunity for niche businesses to showcase their products or services to a highly targeted audience.

For example, independent jewelry designers or artisanal food producers can now easily connect with potential customers and generate sales through visually appealing content and targeted advertising.

Additionally, social media marketing has proven to be a cost-effective way for businesses to engage with their customers and provide personalized customer service. Brands like Zappos have utilized platforms like Twitter to promptly respond to customer queries and resolve issues, resulting in increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

In conclusion, social media strategy has become a vital component of marketing. The success stories of companies like Blendtec, Airbnb, and many small businesses highlight the immense potential and benefits that social media marketing can bring.

While it is possible for a business to survive without social media marketing, it is undeniable that leveraging these platforms can significantly enhance brand visibility, customer engagement, and ultimately, business growth.

Can a business survive without social media marketing (Marketing strategy without a social media platform)

While social media marketing can be a powerful tool for businesses, it is still possible for a business to survive without it.

Instead of creating a social media profile, businesses can ask content creators to promote their products and services and leverage the power of influencer marketing. But it’s important to recognize the potential benefits of social media marketing.

Having a social media presence allows businesses to directly engage with their target audience, build customer loyalty, and increase their online presence.

Social media marketing can help elevate a business’s brand and generate leads by reaching a wider audience. It also serves as a platform for customer service and feedback.


In conclusion, social media marketing is a powerful tool that can greatly benefit businesses with brand awareness.

By utilizing social media platforms, businesses can reach a wider audience and connect with potential customers.

Establishing a strong social media presence allows businesses to engage with their target audience and build relationships.


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