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How to Leverage B2B Influencer Marketing on Social Media Platforms

How to Leverage B2B Influencer Marketing on Social Media Platforms

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In this era of digital influence, brands have discovered an innovative avenue to connect with potential customers – by harnessing the power of social media influencers.

You’ve probably seen it before – those social media posts where influential figures recommend a brand or rave about a product.

But did you know that many of these recommendations are actually part of influencer marketing campaigns?

While some influencers genuinely promote products they believe in, others are paid to endorse brands.

So, how can you, as a B2B business owner, tap into this growing trend?

In this blog post, we will explore how influencer marketing has transformed the B2B landscape on social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube.

What is the role of influencers in B2B?

Influencers play a crucial role in introducing your product to potential customers. But it doesn’t end there – they also do a great job of convincing people to buy from you, even better than you can.

According to the Digital Marketing Institute, a whopping 89% of consumers trust recommendations from friends, family, and influencers on social media.

That’s a big number!

And not only that, but 49% of consumers actually depend on influencer recommendations. It just goes to show how influential social media can be in shaping consumer decisions.

But how can you as a business owner work with an Influencer?

One effective strategy is to offer free giveaways to influencers who you believe your target market follows. By doing so, you give the influencer a chance to actually try out your product and provide a genuine review.

This can build trust among their followers and encourage them to consider purchasing your offering.

But it doesn’t stop there. Influencers can also offer valuable content that boosts profits and cuts costs.

They possess the expertise and knowledge to produce compelling content that resonates with your target audience. They provide insights and tips on how your product can benefit their businesses.

According to Influencer Marketing Hub, 60% of marketers have reported that influencer-generated content outperforms branded posts, driving more engagement. (Source)

What’s more, by finding influencers who are willing to handle idea generation, production, and editing, you can save time and resources.

You can collaborate with influencers who have the skills to independently create top-notch content, freeing you from the responsibility of managing every aspect of the content creation process.

How do I find industry influencers on LinkedIn?

The best way to find industry influencers on LinkedIn to further your business’s presence is by joining relevant LinkedIn groups.

These virtual communities are packed with like-minded professionals who engage in discussions and answer each other’s questions. By joining these groups, you can easily identify the leaders who are gaining the most traction with their posts.

But how do you spot the influential figures within these groups?

One way is to pay attention to the individuals who receive the most engagement on their posts in the group. These leaders often have the ability to move the needle for your business. Take a peek into the comment section to see how these individuals position themselves as experts by responding to questions or comments.

Their ability to provide valuable insights and engage in meaningful discussions is a clear sign of their influence.

Another thing to consider is the number of connections an individual has and how active they are on LinkedIn.

If they have a significant number of connections and regularly share industry news and opinions, it’s a good sign that they are thought leaders in the field.

By utilizing LinkedIn groups and paying attention to these indicators, you may identify the relevant industry influencers on LinkedIn, develop solid relationships, and even collaborate on influencer marketing initiatives.

How to find influencers on Twitter?

To discover the right influencers on Twitter, you’ll need specific third-party tools that can help you confirm their authenticity and establish a personal connection with them

But let me tell you, it’s no walk in the park.

With so many self-proclaimed experts on the platform, it can be hard to separate the real deal from the imposters. But fear not, I’m here to give you some tips on how to find the perfect micro-influencers on Twitter.

First, arm yourself with the right tools.

Follower Wonk and Buzzstream with the Domain Authority metric are your go-to tools for vetting influencers. These tools will help you verify their authenticity and build a personal connection with them.

Buzzstream with the domain authority metric

Once you’ve identified potential influencers, it’s crucial to closely monitor their activity. Use tools like Twitter Deck to analyze the quality of their tweets and how they interact with their followers. Take note of their engagement rate and the valuable insights they provide.

But don’t stop there!

To truly connect with these influencers, go beyond a simple “good post” comment. Instead, offer something valuable. Show them that you’ve taken the time to genuinely engage with their content.

When you feel the time is right, reach out to them through direct messaging. Share your idea of how they can promote your product or collaborate with you.\

Be clear and concise in your proposition, and make sure to highlight the mutual benefits of the partnership.

And here’s a bonus tip: If you want to ensure the authenticity of an influencer’s followers, use the Twitter Audit tool. It will help you separate the genuine audience from fake or inactive accounts.

Finding influencers on Twitter may take some effort, but with the right approach and tools, you can identify valuable partners who will help you reach your target audience and achieve your marketing goals.

Learn more about Twitter marketing: Twitter for Marketing: Create a Twitter marketing strategy for 2024

Does influencer marketing work in B2B?

The answer is a resounding yes. Influencer marketing does work in B2B.

Despite the misconception that influencer marketing is only effective for B2C businesses, it can actually greatly benefit B2B companies as well.

While the number of individuals reached may be smaller in comparison to the B2C audience, the impact on the target market is often significant.

Even if you’re skeptical about investing in influencer marketing, why not start small?

Encourage your team and clients to spread the word and see the snowball effect it can have on your business.

Just imagine the power of having one of your employees or clients advocate your product or service to their network. Their positive experiences can create a ripple effect that extends far beyond their immediate circle.

Whether it’s your clients discussing your product in a podcast or your employees sharing posts about your company on social media, the impact can be tremendous.

In conclusion, influencer marketing can work wonders in the B2B industry. By leveraging the influence and expertise of industry experts, professionals, and thought leaders, you can reach your target audience, build valuable relationships, and ultimately convert potential customers into loyal clients.

B2b influencer marketing on social media examples

Both IBM and Microsoft have successfully utilized social media platforms for their influencer marketing campaigns.

Let’s take a closer look at how they leveraged social media to engage their target audiences and achieve impactful results.

IBM Influencer Marketing Case Study

IBM implemented a B2B influencer marketing strategy that focused on employee advocacy.

They recognized the value of their employees’ knowledge and expertise in promoting their products and services. By encouraging employees to participate in the campaign, IBM tapped into their networks and influenced potential customers.

IBM used various social media tactics for influencer marketing, such as custom tweets from employees.

Amber Armstrong, Director at IBM Commerce, highlighted the importance of personalized messages from employees to effectively promote the brand. This approach humanized IBM’s marketing efforts and fostered a more personal connection with the audience.

Furthermore, IBM utilized platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn to share videos and discussions about their innovative B2B influencer marketing strategies.

By sharing insights and experiences, IBM showcased its expertise and positioned itself as a thought leader in the industry.

Microsoft Influencer Marketing Case Study

Microsoft partnered with National Geographic for a B2B influencer marketing campaign aimed at empowering women in STEM disciplines.

They strategically launched the campaign on International Women’s Day 2017 to emphasize the importance of supporting women in pursuing their dream careers.

To reach its target audience, Microsoft chose to leverage the popular social media platform, Instagram. They posted 30 photos on five of National Geographic’s Instagram channels, featuring stories of women adventurers and scientists.

This allowed Microsoft to tap into National Geographic’s vast audience and engage with users interested in exploration and science.

The campaign was a tremendous success, with the photos receiving over 3.5 million likes in a single day and reaching approximately 91 million people.

By harnessing the power of Instagram and collaborating with a respected brand like National Geographic, Microsoft effectively communicated its message and inspired women in STEM industries.

In conclusion, both IBM and Microsoft demonstrated the effectiveness of social media in their B2B influencer marketing campaigns.

IBM focused on employee advocacy and personalized messaging, utilizing platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn to share their experiences.

On the other hand, Microsoft partnered with National Geographic on Instagram to reach a broader audience and empower women in STEM disciplines.

Are there any legality issues with B2B influencer marketing?

When it comes to B2B influencer marketing, it’s important to consider any potential legality issues that could arise.

One of the key factors to address is ensuring there is no conflict of interest with the influencer you choose to work with.

This means thoroughly researching their background and ensuring they don’t work for a competitor’s company or have a history of recommending competitor’s products.

To protect your brand’s sensitive information and campaign details, it’s crucial to have a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) in place with the influencer.

This agreement ensures that they won’t share any confidential information with your competitors. It provides an additional layer of security for your brand and helps maintain the integrity of your influencer marketing campaign.

By conducting thorough research and taking steps to protect your brand’s interests, you can mitigate any potential legality issues associated with B2B influencer marketing.

Final Say

In conclusion, B2B influencer marketing on social media can be a game-changer for your business. By collaborating with influential figures and subject matter experts, you can amplify your brand’s reach and credibility within your target market.

With the right approach, it is possible to get remarkable results out of B2B social media marketing. By identifying the right influencers, building genuine relationships, and developing tailored campaigns, you can effectively engage potential customers and drive conversions.

To learn other ways to drive results for your B2B marketing efforts, read the following blogs :

Can Social Media Marketing Really Help my Business (Learn the Truth)

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