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Free Advertising for Your Business

Free Advertising for Your Business: Underrated Advertising Ideas

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You might be hesitant to invest in online advertising because of a shoestring budget. Understandable.

As a business owner, It would be wise to spend most of your money and time on day-to-day operations rather than creating time-consuming video content for ads.

Search engine journal survey says the same thing. 86% of small business owners prefer spending their budget on business activities to marketing.

However, is it the right thing to do?

You would be surprised to know that 96% of customers search for local businesses online, and 91% will read online reviews before making any purchase decision.

So, it would be safe to say that online presence is vital.

In this blog, I’ll go through various options where you can advertise for free without breaking the bank.

1. Promote your business using

One of the simplest ways to promote your company is to direct traffic from other websites to your own.

You heard it right.

You can use a tool like to create custom calls-to-action that appear on any third-party webpage you share, directing users back to your website. Check out the screenshot below to see how I’m promoting a pop-up box with a call-to-action that leads to my website on the Hosting advice website.

This means that you can share content from other websites that is relevant to your business, while still driving traffic to your site.

It provides a variety of features to enhance the appearance of the pop-up box with vibrant colors, images, and logos. In addition, you have the option to create various types of pop-ups, such as simple pop-ups, product pop-ups, and video pop-ups, which can effectively grab your audience’s attention and maintain their interest in your content.

So if you’re looking for a simple and effective way to get more traffic to your website, give Sniply a try.

2. Use Bing Places to advertise your local business

Another way to advertise your business without spending a dime is through Bing Place. Just like Google My Business. It offers free advertising for your business profile.

In the profile, you can provide information about your business, including your hours of operation, contact information, and even photos. This information will then be displayed in search results when someone searches for a business like yours in your area.

An agency was able to capture the attention of prospects through a humorous and intriguing story . In summary, they received numerous calls from potential clients inquiring about plumbing services through Google search results.

While the story itself provides an entertaining read, it also highlights the importance of having a strong presence on Google My Business and Bing Places which is an essential component of local search results.

So if you want to get started with free advertising for your business through local SEO, be sure to create a profile on Google My Business and Bing Places. It’s a simple and effective way to reach potential customers without any cost.

Related : How can I advertise my business on Google for free in 2023

3. Advertise your business on Infographic submission sites

If you’re looking for more ways to advertise your business for free, you might want to consider creating infographics that you can share on various platforms. One great option is Infographicbee, which allows you to share your infographics with a wider audience and drive free traffic to your website.

However, not everyone has the time or skills to create them from scratch.

That’s where Canva comes in. This online design tool offers a variety of templates that you can use to create professional-looking infographics quickly and easily. With Canva, you don’t need to be a graphic design expert to make stunning visuals that will grab your audience’s attention.

But Infographicbee is just one of many options available to you. There are plenty of other infographic sites out there that you can use to get your message out to potential customers. By sharing your infographics on multiple platforms, you’ll be able to reach a larger audience and increase your chances of success. So be sure to explore all of your options and find the infographic sites that work best for your business.

4. Advertise your small business via email marketing

One effective way to get free advertising for your business is through email marketing.

To get started with email marketing, you need to have a list of prospects to reach out to. The most organic way to get these contacts is through lead generation. However, there are ways around it 😉

If you’re willing to invest a little, you can also hire freelancers on Upwork or Fiverr to create email marketing lists tailored specifically to your business needs. By utilizing email marketing, you can reach a wide audience without spending a dime on advertising.

If you’re looking to run email campaigns, MailChimp is a great option. This email marketing tool is great for creating eye-catching email newsletters. It also offers a wide range of email marketing templates that are perfect for cold campaigns.

5. Get free advertising real estate on business listing sites

One of the simplest ways to get free advertising for your business is by listing it on business listing sites or online directories. This is a great way to get your business in front of potential customers who are searching for businesses like yours in their area.

Although Google and Bing are business listing sites, there are other sites such as Yellowpages and Yelp through which you can spread the word because many prospects visit these sites in search of services.

By listing your business, you can provide important information such as your business name, address, phone number, website, and even customer reviews. This can help boost your visibility and credibility online, which can lead to more customers and sales. Don’t forget to update your listing regularly to keep it accurate and up-to-date.

How can I promote my business on LinkedIn for free

You can promote your business on LinkedIn for free using its organic reach and interactive nature.

LinkedIn is a powerful platform to promote your business for free. Unlike Facebook, LinkedIn’s organic reach is pretty good, meaning you can reach a larger audience without having to pay for advertising.

To start, you need to build your network on LinkedIn. Connect with people in your industry, clients, and potential customers. Don’t just connect with anyone, make sure the people you connect with are relevant to your business.

However, most business owners only share content on LinkedIn. While sharing content is important, you should also engage with your target market by commenting on their posts. Don’t just drop random comments, provide value. Share your expertise and insights on topics related to your industry.

I would suggest focusing on engaging with your prospects’ posts. This will help you build relationships and establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry. This will increase your visibility on the platform, making it easier for potential customers to find you.

Lastly, use LinkedIn’s scheduling feature to schedule your posts. This feature was recently introduced and allows you to schedule your posts to be shared on the newsfeed at a specific time. This will help you reach your target audience when they are most active on the platform.

In conclusion, promoting your business on LinkedIn for free is possible. Building your network, engaging with your target market, and scheduling your posts are all key components to successfully promoting your business on LinkedIn.

How can I promote my business on Facebook for free

You can promote your business on Facebook for free by staying active on Facebook groups and sharing lead magnets.

If you’re a business owner, you must have realized by now that Facebook’s organic reach is really low. The chances of your post being seen by your audience are slim. A study by Edgerank Checker found that organic reach for the average Facebook Page dropped from 16% to 6.5% between February 2012 and March 2014. Just imagine how much it must have dropped now!

So, what can you do to get attention on Facebook without spending any money on advertising?

The best way to do this is by staying active in Facebook groups. But, don’t just spam links to your business page. Instead, provide value to the group members by offering a freebie or helping them with problems they are having.

You can also join groups related to your niche and participate in discussions. This way, you can establish yourself as an expert in your field and promote your business without being too pushy. Make sure you read the group’s rules before posting anything to avoid getting kicked out.

Another way to promote your business on Facebook for free is by creating engaging content that people will want to share. This can be in the form of blog posts, videos, or infographics. Make sure your content is relevant to your audience and provides value to them.

Can you advertise for free on TikTok?

Yes, you can advertise for free on TikTok! TikTok is a B2C platform that is perfect for spreading brand awareness and reaching a younger audience. Creating TikTok videos may seem daunting if you are camera-shy, but there are tools such as Invideo or Wave that can help you create short-form videos to share on the platform.

If creating videos is still too much work for you, you can always hire influencers or someone who can be the face of your business to promote your products or services on TikTok. Influencer marketing has become a popular way to reach a wider audience on TikTok, especially if you are targeting a specific niche.

Learn more about how influencer marketing can be used in B2B : How to Leverage B2B Influencer Marketing on Social Media Platforms

Remember, the key to advertising for free on TikTok is to create engaging content that resonates with your target audience. Be authentic, creative, and have fun with it. With the right approach, TikTok can be a powerful tool to help grow your business.

Can you advertise on Twitter for free?

Yes, you can! Many business owners ignore Twitter as a part of their marketing strategy, but they don’t realize that 52% of users follow brands on Twitter to get the latest product deals and promotions. This means that Twitter can be a great platform for free advertising.

However, it’s important to note that using Twitter for advertising requires engagement with other tweets. It’s not just about sharing your own content on your newsfeed; it’s also about providing value by commenting on other relevant tweets. By engaging with other Twitter users, you can build relationships and increase your visibility on the platform.

If you’re new to Twitter marketing, it’s a good idea to read up on best practices and strategies. Consider reading my blog post on the topic to learn more.

Read more: Twitter for Marketing: Create a Twitter marketing strategy for 2023

Overall, advertising on Twitter for free can be a great way to promote your business and reach new customers. Just remember to engage with other users and provide value to your audience.

Can you advertise on Pinterest for free?

Many business owners are under the impression that they need to invest in Pinterest ads to promote their products. While this may be true for some, it is possible to advertise for free on Pinterest.

The best way to advertise your products on Pinterest is by sharing pictures of your products on the platform. Make sure to use relevant keywords in the description and include a link to your product page.

Another way to advertise for free on Pinterest is by creating visual directories. If you have product pages on your website, you can create visual directories on Pinterest to redirect traffic to your product page. This can be done by creating boards with different categories of products and pinning your products to the appropriate board.

By using these free advertising methods on Pinterest, you can increase your brand awareness and drive traffic to your website without having to spend a dime on ads. So, start creating high-quality images and visual directories on Pinterest today to promote your products for free!


In conclusion, there are numerous ways to advertise your business on different platforms. Hopefully, the advertising ideas provided in this blog can help you get started. If you want to learn more about driving organic traffic to your website and converting them into leads, be sure to check out my other blogs. Remember, advertising is an ongoing process, so keep experimenting and trying new strategies to see what works best for your business.

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